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Dear NHS
The Dear NHS project is about pulling together the experiences of young people with the NHS (the amazing, the bad, the everything in between!), and we will publish these as a collection. You can do your “Dear NHS” contribution in whatever format you think best allows you to say what you want to say- whether that be a written letter, a photograph, poem, piece of artwork, or anything else! We love variety.
Send your submissions to us at !
We had a workshop!
It was a huge success ! And below is a walk through, so you can go through the "brain dump" process at home too!

Here are some "warm up" acrostics !
- Amber
Desperate measures to help you heal
Emergencies treated, brutal and real
A time of hurt, frightened, and lonely
Remember the nurses are really great company
Nothing i live with I could go without help
Help for the acute and declining chronic health
Saving lives and saving the day
- Lauren
Daunting at times
Never ending corridors
Seen things most haven't
- Alice
Dropping fast
Emergency injection
Ambulance Screams
Racing lights
"Nearly there"
Hospital Doors Open
- Heather
Desolate corridors in the dead of night
Emergency calls; drop everything
Aid in times of need
Rapid movement of feet
Not enough funding
Hospital under pressure
Staff stressed to the max
- Amber
Some sneak peaks of submissions ...
Here are two submissions to give you a sneak peak! As we said before, they can be poems, photos, pictures, writing, anything!

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